[the_old_crowd] Re: Is He Dead Jim? (very OT)
Jim Flanagan
jflanagan1 at jamesf991.yahoo.invalid
Tue Sep 2 02:28:09 UTC 2003
Hi Y'all -- Just checking in. I've been busy preparing some HP-related
lessons for my 5th & 6th grade Sunday Schoolers. The first class will be on
International Book covers. I've collected bunches of international book
covers from the Web and have printed them out as 2x3" (5x7.5cm) cards. The
object of the exercise will be to find the country corresponding to each
card on a world map. The religious message will be "why can't we all just
get along (since everyone likes Harry Potter)?"
While they're busy finding the countries on the map, I'll talk about the
languages and alphabets, and tell which countries are having serious
political conflicts with one another (China & Taiwan, Iran & USA, etc.).
Here's a sample of my spiel:
The Serbian books have been issued in two different alphabets - Latin and
The Philosopher's Stone has been translated into Latin, Faroe and Welsh.
(But not Esperanto or Klingon, as far as I know.)
The ugliest cover is undoubtedly the original Icelandic PS; the most unusual
are the Japanese covers.
Spain has editions in four different languages -- Castilian, Catalan,
Galician, and Basque. The Castilian translation is also used in Latin
America despite dialectical differences. On the other hand, Portugal and
Brazil use different translations, as do mainland China and Taiwan. The US
and UK editions are very similar except for minor differences in spelling,
punctuation, and grammar.
The Russian "ripoff," Tanya Grotter, has sold over a million copies.
The following different alphabets (character sets) are represented in the
collection of covers:
Latin (English, French, German, etc.)
Modified Latin (Turkish, Vietnamese, etc.)
Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrane, Serbian, etc.)
Chinese (traditional and simplified)
Arabic (Urdu, Farsi)
Very much alive.
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Randy" <estesrandy at y...> wrote:
> > Has anyone noticed that 3 people account for over half of the
> > messages posted on this list in August?
> >
> > Did everyone else dissapparate?
> >
> > Perhaps we should pick a topic that someone would like to discuss?
> >
> > Politics?
> > Music?
> > Other authors?
> >
> > That jerk that keeps bothering me?
> > That nice person I want to get to know?
> >
> > Why does JKR have to kill off a great character and piss off half
> of
> > her fans?
> > What I did on my summer vacation?
> >
> > Who would I like to turn into a toad?
> > Why does Neville have a toad?
> > Is the toad an important character like Scabbers?
> > Perhaps the toad is Voldemort's twin brother separated at Birth?
> >
> > What brother? You know the nicer looking one in the baby picture!
> > Perhaps the toad is chewing all of that gum and leaving the
> wrappers!
> > Perhaps Neville's twin brother was turned into the toad!
> > Perhaps the toad carries the Mark of Voldemort and will save the
> day
> > at the end of the books!
> >
> > Why did we ever let this guy on the list, anyway?
> >
> > Is there anyone out there?
> >
> > OKAY
> > Let's say Harry,Ron, and Hermione walk into a bar....
> > What do they say?
> > "Ouch!"
> > Because it hurts when you walk into a bar! (and bonk your head or
> > something on the bar!)
> >
> > Okay, Let's say the Toad leads the House Elfs in the next great Elf
> > rebellion and ...
> > Hey! Enough about the toad already!!!!
> > Well, I was just trying to start some discussion....
> > Well, this kind of inane drivel is what drove all these people away
> > in the first place!
> > OK, I know when I'm not wanted.
> > Fine.
> > POOF! Both of them dissapparate.
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