[the_old_crowd] Is He Dead Jim?
pbnesbit at harpdreamer.yahoo.invalid
Tue Sep 2 22:43:33 UTC 2003
Hi All,
I'm still here too. I've been lax in posting, I know, but I broke my
finger a little over a month ago, & it was hard as heck to type using
only nine fingers.
I've also been having problems getting into the second reading of
OotP. Like Neil, I was underwhelmed, and since I've discovered
Tamora Pierce (who, IMHO, writes circles around JKR), I've been
devouring her books.
I *did*, however, find what I think is another Flint: (p. 147,
British Ed.) [The trio is discussing the DADA teachers] ' One
sacked, one dead, one's memory removed, and one locked in a trunk for
nine months,' said Harry, counting them off on his fingers.
Remus resigned, thanks to Severus' outing him as a werewolf--he
wasn't sacked.
Maybe Jo should go back & re-read her own books? <eg>
Peace & Plenty,
Parker (off to wash the dog--oh, joy)
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