[the_old_crowd] Essay on H/H in light of OoP (long, VERY long) (SHIP, mostly SHIP)

Heidi Tandy heidit at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Sep 4 23:22:36 UTC 2003

On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 7:04PM -0500, Jim Flanagan wrote:
> Cho/R - Cedric/H
> Cho/R - Harry/G
> Ginny/G - Michael Corner /R
> Percy/G - Penelope/R
> Hermione/G - Krum/D
You skipped Fleur (B)/Roger (R)

However, Fred/Angelina is at least a single-house dating situation - and 
they're the same year. We also know from jkr's interviews that James & 
Lily were both Gryffindors, and OotP destroys my long-held hope that she 
was a year ahead of him.

Of course, those of us who think Sirius/Remus is canon can't use that as 
evidence of either house-based argument as it's unconfirmed which house 
they were.

> Maybe there's hope for Harry/G - Luna/R yet.

Harry? Who is this Harry that you pair with Luna?

Heidi, shipping ron/luna since 21/6/03

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