[the_old_crowd] Trevor

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Fri Sep 5 00:36:35 UTC 2003

To expound on the Heroic Toad Theory (HTT) some more.

After clever fact finding using supercomputers and one
ancient Chinese Abacus, I have deduced the hidden
meaning behind the name Trevor!

It is now all so clear what JKR was afraid we would
find out...
Trevor stands for:

Otherwise known as 

The pieces finally fit together.  Neither Neville nor
Harry is the chosen one.  Trevor obviously shares
their birthday.  Finally the truth comes out!

NTT/H ship sails into the sunset with web-like flags
flying high!

--- Neil Ward <neilward at ...> wrote:
> Randy reminded:
> << Neville's heroic toad is named Trevor! >>
> Trevor.  Of course!  That blows my Umbridge theory
> out of the water.  Or
> does it...?
> Neil

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