[the_old_crowd] Philip Pullman - attn Eb!

Catherine Coleman catherine at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Tue Apr 6 09:10:07 UTC 2004

In message <20040405230915.77659.qmail at ...>, Ebony 
Elizabeth Thomas <selah_1977 at ...> writes
>Hey, Mike--
>Let me do some checking for you.  You also might want to check out the
>proceedings of the NEMLA conference panel, "The fantasy and the reality
>must connect:  The Intersection of Genres in the Works of Philip
>Pullman".  Remind me about this in 48 hrs. offlist if I don't get back with
>All the best as you move into the diss stage--see you on the other side!

Also, I haven't checked yet, but I'm wondering whether there is a 
transcript floating around of Philip Pullman's discussion with the 
Archbishop of Canterbury which took place at the National Theatre 
(London) recently.  I'm sure the debate was interesting.


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