[the_old_crowd] Never again

sean dwyer ewe2 at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 2 17:14:20 UTC 2004

On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 04:46:35PM -0000, kneasy wrote:

> I'll happily part with hard cash for the books. JKR gets richer? Good. 
> She deserves it. Not so the perpetrators of the travesty I  watched
> a couple of weeks back. They'll not get a penny of mine from now on.
> And it's bloody irritating that they won't even notice.

Considering the apparent input JKR has has had in each and every movie so far,
I don't think you can excuse her from complicity, particularly in the latest
'travesty'. And she gets a good cut from the movies+merchandise too. She isn't
the innocent bystander at all. Having said that, the movies have their place.
Yes it's a milk, what did you expect from this culture? The fans are just as
complicit, they watch the movies, buy the DVDs and the merchandise. I
personally cannot stand Harry Potter Lego, but I know adults who collect it.
One shrugs ones shoulders and waits for the next installment.

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