[the_old_crowd] Is there anybody there?

pennylin pennylin at plinsenmayer.yahoo.invalid
Fri Dec 3 18:22:02 UTC 2004

Hi --

Just thought I'd chime in with this baby news ---- congrats to JoAnna and to Heidi on having a girl!  Our 2nd child, David Harry (to be called Harry), is due to arrive via c-section on Dec 28th!  Yikes.  Neither my husband nor my daughter was too keen on Hermione and as I couldn't find it anywhere on the family tree (our guidelines), it was never a consideration had we had another girl.  But, I think it would have made a lovely name JoAnna!  <g>

I actually had not heard "spring" with respect to JKR's impending arrival, but rather "after the first of the year" ... which suggested that she is due in Jan or perhaps early Feb.  


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: JoAnna Wahlund 
  To: the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 9:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [the_old_crowd] Is there anybody there?

  Sounds like a terrific idea to me!  As a first-time mom, I know I'll be looking for
  advice wherever I can find it!  :)

  BTW, do you know when JKR is due, other than "the spring"?  I'm just curious; I thought
  she was due around the same time as me (January 20) for some reason.

  BTW... one of the names that actually made the short list for a girl's name was
  "Hermione."  :P  We eventually ended up eliminiating it for a variety of reasons, but it
  was in the top five for quite a while!

  And I will say that we are using an HP character name for our boy's middle name (and
  possibly for the first name as well).

  (And no, we're not telling anyone what our choices are until after the baby's born and
  the birth certificate is signed.  That way, people can b*tch about the name we chose all
  they want and it'll be too late to do anything about it! :P)

  --- Heidi Tandy <lists at ...> wrote:

  > On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 6:24 pm, JoAnna Wahlund wrote:
  > >
  > > I'm a longtime lurker.   I'm also eight months pregnant with my first 
  > > child, so between
  > > dealing with the symptoms of pregnancy, trying to get ready for the 
  > > baby, and all the
  > > hustle and bustle that comes with the holiday season... I don't have 
  > > much time for
  > > posting.  :)
  > JoAnna - congratulations! There seems to be a baby boom in the fandom - 
  > JKR is having her third this spring, and I should be having my third 6-8 
  > weeks after her - I know at least five other fandomers due between now & 
  > june, including at least one other on this list.
  > For a while we had an active PotterParents yahoogrouo going - maybe we 
  > should re-activate the concept?
  > Heidi
  > Mama to 2 boys
  > Due to have a girl in April


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