[the_old_crowd] Re: Never again

Monika Huebner bookworm at agassizde.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 5 08:02:45 UTC 2004

"pippin_999" <foxmoth at ...> wrote:

>who was needless to say quite happy to see Lupin come across 
>as just that little bit slimy -- what have I been telling you?

Slimy? Interesting. I know a lot of people were disappointed with
David Thewlis because in their opinion he isn't handsome enough and
not sexy enough for the part. Personally, I never saw Lupin as an
overly handsome or sexy person in the book, so Thewlis' looks really
don't matter to me. I think his interpretation of the part is
interesting and I appreciated it more with each viewing of the movie,
but the word "slimy" would never have occured to me in this context.
Which part was slimy in your opinion? Just curious.


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