Lupin's 'tache

GulPlum hp at
Fri Dec 10 02:39:37 UTC 2004

I've been out of the loop for several months and hope to have the time in 
the next few days to have more to say on several subjects which have been 
raised recently. In the meantime, a short reply to this, before I go to bed.

Pippin wrote:

>Seems to me, if it looks enough like a Hitler moustache that
>people wonder if that's what it is -- "Lupin Hitler mustache
>OR moustache" found a couple of hundred Google hits-- then
>the filmmakers intended that effect or they just plain made a
>mistake. Sorry.

An alternative viewpoint... "Lupin Thewlis mustache OR moustache -Hitler" 
gives over 500 hits, so the Hitler connection is a significantly minority 
view. Besides, we don't know how many of the people making these comments 
have ever actually bothered to noticed what's distinctive about the 
Chancellor's style of trimming his 'tache, namely that height-wise it fills 
the area between the upper lip and the base of the nose and width-wise 
doesn't extend beyond the width of the nose.

Thewlis's attempt fails on both counts. If anything, I'd compare it to the 
pencil 'tache e.g. Clark Gable sported - pencil 'taches were very 
fashionable in the UK in the 40s which seems to be the period which 
inspired Thewlis's appearance. (Making allowances, of course, for hair 
colour and density). They were *particularly* popular with junior military 
officers and school teachers...

Furthermore, looking at a few of the pages which Google spits out with the 
connection, it seems that most of them actually end up dismissing the 

Personally, I never made the connection and frankly hadn't encountered 
anyone making it until just now.

GulPlum AKA Richard, scratching his head

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