[the_old_crowd] Re: Lupin quotes
rynnewrites at rynne_lupin.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 12 19:51:22 UTC 2004
Getting into the debate because Lupin's my favorite character and if
JKR makes him ESE I'll be heartily depressed...
> Is there really a moral difference between dangling Snape
> upside down because he's a weird little oddball, and dangling
> the Robertses upside down because they're Muggles? Lupin
> knew it was wrong, but he didn't want to go against the boys who
> were his friends and the height of cool. Couldn't there have been
> some DE's in the crowd at the World Cup who felt the same
> way?
There *is* a difference--Snape could fight back. And he did,
remember? That spell that cut James's cheek? James actually didn't
dangle Snape upside down *until* Snape had cut his cheek (though he
did nearly choke him with the Scourgify first). The difference is
that the Robertses couldn't fight back, and Snape could--and did.
Never mind that Lupin himself is fifteen/sixteen here. When you were
that age, did you know many people who had the moral conviction to
defy their friends when they think their friends are wrong,
*publicly*, especially when their biggest flaw is that they want their
friends to like them? I don't. I'm seventeen, and I go to school
with people that age, and I could name you maybe one or two who I know
would stand up to their friends like that--but they don't have that
big flaw that Lupin does; they're rather...aggressive anyway.
The DEs at the World Cup are adults, and they made their choices long
ago. At the time of Snape's Worst Memory, Lupin is still a teenager,
and still figuring things out. I don't blame him (much) for having
made the wrong choice at that point, but I can't see how standing by
when his friends hung Snape upside down equates to being a DE.
A question, Pippin. What do you think Lupin's motives would be, for
turning ESE? I can see some reasons, but I can't see them as being
strong enough for Lupin to turn his back against his friends and
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