Harry Potter joke

quigonginger quigonginger at quigonginger.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 13 14:03:41 UTC 2004

> I liked it...it was funny and not
> overly stupid (which, with the set up
> it could be).
> Saitaina

Thanks!  Now for round 2:

A troll, a hag and a leprechaun go into a bar.  The bartender askes 
them how old they are.  The leprechaun brightly responds "283".  The 
hag says "92".  The troll, with much concentration, grunts 27 times.  
Noting their quizzical expressions, the bartender explains, "We're 
not allowed to serve minors here."  The hag sighs and says, "In that 
case, I'll just have a plate of raw liver."


Ginger, who needs a hobby

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