Lupin quotes was Re: Never again

pippin_999 foxmoth at
Tue Dec 14 18:01:40 UTC 2004

> > 
> > Pippin:
> > Rowling has described Nabakov's Lolita as one of her 
favorite  books and  "a great and tragic love story", so she has no 
problems with making an unsavory character  sympathetic.<<
> Aren't you jumping here from favorite book to favorite 
character?  Lolita is a great book in my opinion too, but Hombart 
Hombart is  certainly not a favorite character of mine - interesting, 
human,  tragic, pathetic, touching, yes - but not somebody I'd like 
to meet. <

But I wonder if Nabakov felt that way? He had to spend an awful 
lot of time in Humbert's head.

> JKR lists Lupin as a favorite character with Harry, DD and 
Hagrid -  in contexts that make it clear that she *likes* them *as 
people* (she  speaks differently of her enjoyment in writing 
> Quoted from, "About Me" section of 
FAQ (answering "who is your favorite character?"):
> "I love: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Ginny, 
Fred,  George and Lupin. I love writing (though would not 
necessarily want  to meet) Snape."
> Therefore, Lupin is as much likely to be revealed as evil as 
Harry, Hagrid, Ron etc.

I know she's said she'd like to meet Lupin, and I think you're 
right, he's a normal person in the sense that Harry etc are and 
Snape isn't. But under some circumstances, normal people can 
do terrible things, and Voldemort is expert at manipulating 
people to do them  -- *and* at keeping them from backing out 
once they realize what they've done. 

 Sirius says that Voldemort tricks, jinxes and blackmails people 
into joining him...if only cruel, sadistic amoral people were 
joining, he wouldn't need to do that. Does anyone think that 
Lucius Malfoy or Bellatrix had to be blackmailed into being DE's?

 Lupin may not be a fairy tale villain, but that doesn't make him 
incapable of evil, IMO. 


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