book 6 title - what do you think?

ReinaKata02 at ReinaKata02 at
Tue Jul 6 19:08:31 UTC 2004

JoAnna wrote:
>  JKR has already said that it's neither Voldemort nor Harry, so we 
can rule them out. 
> Which begs the question - who is the half-blood prince? Right now, 
I see a four or five
> possibilities.
> 1. Tom Riddle.  JKR said that VOLDEMORT is not the half-blood 
prince - yet she said
> nothing about Tom Riddle.  And as we all know, with JKR semantics 
is a big deal.  What
> makes me think of this is Dobby's quote at the end of CoS:  "Was 
giving you a clue, sir. 
>   The Dark Lord, before he took his name, could be freely named, 
you see?"  Harry shrugs
> this off as Dobby being strange, but I believe this quote is 
the "something minor" in CoS
> that will play a large role in HBP.  IMO, this quote means that 
when LV took the name
> "Lord Voldemort," Tom Marvolo Riddle ceased to exist for all 
intents and purposes. 
> However, we did see him in CoS in the form of the diary.  And as 
JKR refuses to comment
> further on what might have happened had Riddle managed to escape 
from the diary (see her
> website), I think Tom Riddle may show up again.

That's exactly what I was thinking...maybe she is being as sneaky as 

> 5.  An as-of-yet unintroduced character whose name and history we 
do not know.  Perhaps
> teh new DADA teacher?

I don't think it is anyone who is has not been introduced, since JKR 
mentioned that this was a possible title for CoS and has lots of bits 
in it that were taken out of the early drafts of CoS.

I think it will be someone who has previously had a minor role...JKR 
also mentioned that CoS has clues to help figure out what's going on 
in book 6.  Maybe Seamus Finnegan?  Maybe...NEVILLE???  He seems to 
be moving up the importance scale here.  Maybe he has a secret we 
don't know about.

By the way...I've always wondered about Harry's half-blood status.  
If James came from a wizard family and Lilly was a Muggle who became 
a witch, then isn't Harry kind of, well, 3/4-blood?  Just a thought.

Hope all is well with everyone,

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