[the_old_crowd] So over on OTC...

saitaina saitaina at saitaina.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jul 23 01:16:51 UTC 2004

Heidi wrote:

<Disclosure time: we get questions like this
on Leaky all the time.

Someday, we should ask Steve to share the
contents of his mailbag with
us, too.>

Sometimes I should disclose my RL question
bag...being known as an HP expert causes odd
times for questions...like when I'm in the
middle of trying to get the Terror Twins
(kids I watch) to stop doing something
stupid...someone comes up and asks me who the
Dark Lord is (actual question from a library
patron once.  I just gaped).

"I laugh in the face of death...maybe not
laugh more like a snicker...a quiet snicker,
and I wouldn't do it directly in death's face
so, it's more like a quiet snicker behind
death's back. "


"No, one day I'm going to look back on all
this and plow face-first into a tree because
I was looking the wrong bloody way. And I'll
still be having a better day than I am

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