[the_old_crowd] POA Movie Review
Monika Huebner
mo.hue at agassizde.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jun 5 08:22:22 UTC 2004
Randy Estes <estesrandy at ...> wrote:
>I know alot of people may complain about the changes
>from the book, but I thought that the movie version of
>Prisoner of Azkaban was in one word.....
I whole-heartedly agree here. It is absolutely brilliant and a so much
better adaptation than the first two movies (which I still love, but
now it became obvious what a decent director is capable of).
>The changes in the storyline were obviously a
>challenge, and I think the movie did an excellent job
>of making shortcuts to keep the movie going.
I think they worked very well. Finally, we got to see a "real" movie,
not just an "illustration" of certain scenes like in the first movies.
One thing I missed though was the explanation of how they all became
Animagi. I read somewhere that this scene (including a flashback)
ended up on the cutting floor. So maybe we can hope for the DVD.
>And Trelawney is a real hoot!!
Yeah, she is great. Just as eccentric as I always pictured her. ;)
But the best thing for me was that they found the perfect actor for
Sirius. Gary Oldman just blew me away! He is absolutely brilliant, and
it doesn't matter that he doesn't really fit my mental image of
Sirius. He is attractive enough, and yes, I think he cleans up *very*
well. <g> I really can't think of many actors who would be able to
pull the part off. He didn't have a lot of time to turn the maniac
killer into the tortured, wrongly imprisoned man. I am impressed. And
I am glad I had the possibility to watch it in English.
who will see PoA again later today
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