[the_old_crowd] John the Baptist?

Steve Vander Ark vderark at hp_lexicon.yahoo.invalid
Tue Mar 2 15:01:47 UTC 2004

Hi, Mike!
Yes, it's real. I will find it for you, and please do keep pestering until I
do. I really don't mind, I appreciate it. She said basically that she's glad
not too many people ask about her faith because if she talked too much about
it, people would be able to figure out how the whole thing ends.
I'm sorry to hear that you're in the middle of it we regards to HP. I
suffered similarly a few years ago, as you might remember, and it, well,
sucks. If there's any way I can help, let me know. I'm reading an advance
copy of John Granger's new book, coming out in June from Tyndale, and while
he goes off on a few tangents I don't like (Harry Potter as heir of the
Potter, as in God) he does have a good handle on why these books are not
just okay but actually triumphantly Christian. 
Nice to hear from you! There hasn't been a lot of interview stuff to add,
except I think there's an interview with Jeremy Paxman with the BBC from the
day before OP was released that you don't have. (or maybe you do...I didn't
find it, but that proves nothing). I will be doing a LOT more Lexicon work
after April, when all my plays and shows are done and I can relax a bit. I
have an assistant editor doing a lot of things for me right now, otherwise
my site would be as out of date as anything.
Please keep reminding me. I will find it.


From: Aberforth's Goat [mailto:mike at ...] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 9:51 AM
To: the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [the_old_crowd] John the Baptist?

Quoth Steve,

> That's a real quote by Rowling. I have it linked somewhere. I 
> can't remember where it's from right off the top of my head. 
> John Granger mentioned it in his book and I wondered about 
> it, so I tracked it down. I'll have to check, but I'm rather 
> in the midst of a hurricane right now. Do me this favor: 
> pester me about it. Seriously. 

I'd give more than a daily pester-mail for that Link, Steve. Heck, that
one would be worth an hourly nuisance-notice, or even a vigorous
buttering up. I haven't been active in Potterdom lately (I even lost the
access codes to my gosh-darn website, which looks pathetically out of
date ... ) but I *have* kept up with anything that looked remotely like
an interview. 

And this is NEW, to me at least.

BTW, I'm getting my hooves back into Potterdom. I've been out for quite
a while, but by the looks of it, I'll be back with a vengeance by this
summer. My dissertation plans are going very well, so it looks like I'll
end up with one of the very few P(otter)h(olics)D's out there ... I'm
really excited!

BTW, in case anyone is interestd: The dissertation is going to involve a
theological reading of three authors: Rowling (HP), Pullman (His Dark
Materials) and Lahaye (Left Behind). I'm interested in the way popular
fantasy novels can help create, solidify or undermine the way people
read their religious life-stories.

Of course, I also have final MA exams to pass, not to mention a nasty
church crisis that was provoked by my publishing an article ... <sigh>
... supporting HP. At the moment, I'm actually hoping to find a way of
getting fired without tearing my church apart. It isn't fun.


Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray, who will pester for hours on end for
this link - but realized that he really mustn't bug anyone for it. You
have to draw the line somewhere, especially with Brits around.)

"Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, 
so that may not have been bravery...."

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