[the_old_crowd] John the Baptist?

Catherine Coleman catherine at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Tue Mar 2 19:45:00 UTC 2004

In message <01d001c4008b$5f9438a0$4f5ffea9 at cq5hs01>, pennylin 
<pennylin at swbell.net> writes
>Hi --
>Oh, it's so good to see posts from Catherine, Mike and Steve all in one
>day!  <g>
>Steve, below my signature is allegedly the full transcript of the article in
>question ...... it comes to you via: Linda McCabe (athena) writing to
>Professor Terry Mattingly about his mention of that specific quote in a
>syndicated column he writes, and his reply included a cut & paste of the
>entire article, which Athena then forwarded to a little H/H debate group I
>belong to.  So, it may not be a *perfect* transcription, but one hopes it's
>close.  There's no date given. 
>I don't know where the John the Baptist reference might have originated. 

Thanks for tracking the article down, Penny.  I don't think that John 
the Baptist was ever mentioned in an interview, but I do recall people 
using the interview to speculate, and one of the theories which came up 
was a Jesus Christ/John the Baptist, Harry/Neville analogy.  Anyway, 
although I have a superficial knowledge of the bible (including the New 
Testament), I don't think I have enough to know whether this could be 
>Mike, I would be well and truly *fascinated* to read your article.  Can you
>let us know how we might get a copy?  :--)

Ditto.  Mike - I can't believe I haven't asked the same thing!

Catherine, who is delighted that we're getting posts on this list again 
at last

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