[the_old_crowd] book six and book two

Catherine Coleman catherine at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Sun Mar 14 23:36:31 UTC 2004

In message <BAY5-F20Y4kJSFsxf4y0000e7ae at ...>, Parker Brown 
Nesbit <pbnesbit at ...> writes
>Greetings All,
>Delurking for a moment to respond...

Hey, long time no hear, Parker!  Hope all is well with you.

>In many cultures if you knew the true name of someone, you had power over
>that person.  Remember in the tale 'Rumplestilskin' when the girl tells him
>his name how angry he gets?
>In HP, folks are afraid to say Voldy's name, and most don't know that his
>true name was (is) Tom Riddle.   Maybe since Harry knows his true name, he
>will prove to have power over him in some way, such as naming him to the
>Death Eaters.
>Just  a thought...
>Peace & Plenty,

It's a nice idea, but if you are suggesting that none of the DEs know 
Voldemort's real name, I'm not sure that you are right.  I seem to 
recall that we are told that he was already using "Voldemort" whilst at 
Hogwarts, when with his closest friends - presumably some of these 
friends went on to be Death Eaters, and would therefore remember that 
Lord Voldemort used to be Tom Riddle.

I like the idea of the power of names, though.  Maybe in some way not 
connected to the Death Eaters?

Unless they were memory charmed, of course  ;-)

Catherine, who would love to know how Voldemort managed to explain his 
half blood status to a load of pure-blood fanatics AND get them to 
follow him

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