[the_old_crowd] Shadowmancer?
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sat Mar 27 03:30:26 UTC 2004
Hi Penny,
You know I keep doing various searches on different
keywords on the internet. I have lately been finding
items about Sirius, the Dog Star. It seems to be a
key to alot of things. Obviously the Great Pyramid
has chambers that line up with Sirius, and the three
pyramids at Giza form the pattern of the three stars
in Orion's belt. Sirius is the bright star slight
down and to the left of Orion's belt (the 3 stars in a
But did you know about Sirius A and B the twin stars.
One is a white dwarf and the other is the bright hot
star that we see in the night sky. The smaller star
(white dwarf) is very dense and exerts a magnetic pull
on the brighter star( actually the brightest star in
the sky).
In JKR's book 5, didn't it mention that Sirius Black
had a brother?
The dwarf star pulls on the larger star causing it to
have erratic motion of travel making a double helix
pattern between the 2 stars kind of like the DNA
pattern. Sirius Black also had erratic behavior. I
wonder what his brother was like?
Anyway, the Great pyramid links us back to the
capstone at the top which the Freemasons use in their
symbology. There is a reported connection between the
masons and the Knights Templar which gets you back to
the Rosecrucians again. If you want to see the
mason's symbol look at the back of the US one dollar
bill at the seal with the pyramid. It seems many of
the founding fathers of the US (George Washington and
Ben Franklin, etc.) were masons and even the people
who were in the Boston Tea Party were masons. The
oldest Masonic lodge is in Edinburgh, Scotland. Isn't
that near where JKR comes from?
Another pyramid connection is the capstone model
called a Benben or very sacred stone kept in the
Temple of the Phoenix at Heliopolis. It is the model
for the capstones of monumental pyramids and obelisks.
The work Bennu (meaning Phoenix) was mentioned
regarding astral rebirth relating to Osiris and Isis
and the cult of the Mithras. From Death comes the
birth of new life.
Sirius is the star that dies and is reborn because due
to the earth's polar wobble, Sirius disappears for a
period of about 50 years ( where the pyramids are) and
then appears on the Horizon again. This happened
around the time of Jesus birth (some think it the star
in the East mentioned in the Bible). If you think
about it Harry is born and saved at the same time that
Sirius disappears and is sent to Azkaban. The Goddess
Isis went to great lengths to have the child in the
mythology just like Harry's mom went to great lengths
to protect Harry.
The world history listed by the masons on their
website also mentions a man named Severus who in 290
AD was one of 4 crowned martyrs who would not worship
or pay homage to a pagan god. I wonder is Snape will
refuse to bow down to Voldemort in Book 6. He might
be martyred as well.
Sorry if this is hard to digest, but I think that
JKR likes ancient symbols and mythology. The Masons
appear to like ancient symbols and mythology. I think
she uses alot of the same in her stories.
For some strange reason, this interests me lately. I
wonder about white dwarfs and the Sirius legend of
rebirth after death and the possibilities in future
Potter books!!!
By the way, the days of the week are named after the
five known planets (Roman Times) and the sun and moon.
The symbol for Saturn (Saturday) is Lead in Alchemy.
The symbol for the Sun (Sunday) is Gold in Alchemy.
As you spiritually prepare yourself from Saturday
night to Sunday morning, you essentially turn Lead
into Gold!!! Note 7 days of the week and the seven
stages in Alchemist story of Philosopher's stone.
The English names of the days are influenced by
Germanic gods and goddesses, but Latin based languages
like French use
The Days of the week come from the Romans
Lundi (lunar) (Moon) Monday
Mardi (Mars) (? germanic name) Tuesday
Mercredi(Mercury)(? germanic name) Wednesday
Jeudi (Jupiter) (Thor) Thursday
Vendredi (Venus) (?) Friday
Samedi (Sabbath or Saturn) Saturday
Dimanche (Dominus or Sun ) Sunday
Randy ---who has never read so much history since
college!!!!! Sorry if this is too long and boring.
oh well.
--- pennylin <pennylin at ...> wrote:
> Hi --
> This week's "Newsweek" has a blurb titled "Hotter
> than Potter," which caught
> my eye. It's touting a children's fantasy story
> called "Shadowmancer" by
> Anglican Vicar G. P. Taylor, and it supposedly
> outsold OoP in the UK for
> several weeks last summer. Taylor apparently got
> $550,000 for the US
> publishing rights, and there's a sequel due out in
> June.
> Anyone read this book?
> BTW, I read and loved Da Vinci Code and was also
> intrigued by the Flamel
> references that Randy brought to our attention. I
> meant to add into that
> discussion and then it was died out by the time I
> had found the time. :--)
> Penny
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