[the_old_crowd] Shadowmancer?
Catherine Coleman
catherine at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Sat Mar 27 08:36:09 UTC 2004
In message <0cc801c412c3$33ed5110$4f5ffea9 at cq5hs01>, pennylin
<pennylin at swbell.net> writes
>Hi --
>This week's "Newsweek" has a blurb titled "Hotter than Potter," which
>my eye. It's touting a children's fantasy story called "Shadowmancer" by
>Anglican Vicar G. P. Taylor, and it supposedly outsold OoP in the UK for
>several weeks last summer. Taylor apparently got $550,000 for the US
>publishing rights, and there's a sequel due out in June.
>Anyone read this book?
It has been very popular here - to the extent that they've brought out
special editions etc. I have a copy, but haven't yet read it - I
started to a few months ago, and then, for some reason, lost interest.
I'll give it another go this weekend and let you know what I think.
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