[the_old_crowd] Re: Day Names

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sun Mar 28 14:59:43 UTC 2004


I just took that crazy tickle IQ test.  It said I was
a Visionary Philosopher like Plato.  Maybe that's why
I keep looking at all of these silly symbols.  Oh
well.  Not much financial gain to being a Philosopher
these days!! I'm a few thousand years too late! :0)  

Regarding the astronomy connections to the names in
Harry Potter, I noticed something called Potter's
field.  Anyone know anything about that?

I see visions of noone answering my
question......there are lots of people who could care

Posting a hypothetical...

If an email is sent into the proverbial cyber forest
and there are no responses to it, does the cyber voice
in the wilderness go unheard?  Was that the sound of a
tree falling?

the great Randolpho 

--- "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)"
<catlady at ...> wrote:
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com,
> <pengolodh_sc at y...> wrote:
> > 
> > Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are from
> Norse.  Tuesday is 
> > named for the Norse/Germanic god of war, Ty (Ti). 
> Being the god of war is why Mars was chosen to
> parallel Tyr (as Randy
> said, Tuesday = mardi). 
> > Wednesday is named for the chief Norse/Germanic
> god, Odin (also 
> > written Wotan).  
> The Romans chose Mercury to parallel Odin (Wednesday
> = mercredi) on
> the theory that they were both gods of the dead.
> Mercury was the
> psychopomp, who led dead soul to the land of the
> dead, altho' us
> moderns feel that aspect is minor compared to his
> roles as patron of
> travel, commerce, news, lies, lawyers, etc. We think
> Hades/Pluto was
> much more god of the dead than Hermes/Mercury.      
> > Thursday is named for Thor, god of lightning and
> combat.  
> Thursday = jeudi. (My friend used to call her mother
> "Thursday"
> because her name was Judy.) Jeudi is named for
> Jove/Jupiter/Zeus. It
> is his role as Thunderer that makes him parallel to
> Thor, altho' us
> moderns would expect his role as King of the Gods to
> make him parallel
> to Odin. 
> > Friday is named for Frey, the god of fertility
> (his sister Freya
> > was goddess of fertility).
> Friday was named for FreyA (or for Frigga, wife of
> Odin, from whose
> name comes the word 'frig'; there is some dispute),
> not Frey. Because
> Friday = vendredi, named after Venus/Aphrodite,
> goddESS of beauty,
> love, sex, prostitution, etc, so the parallel had
> also to be a female
> deity.

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