[the_old_crowd] Re: Snape's Backsid-- er, BacksLide
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Sep 15 02:06:38 UTC 2004
Given JKR's love of puns, don't you think that the
name Severus Snape has to be a pun too?
In that he will "sever us" ( separate us) perhaps the
cause of a rift inside the Order of Phoenix or the
Death Eaters groups.
Or better yet that "he will sever us" since the two
intertwined snakes that appeared in one story could be
severed by Severus Snake ( I mean Snape). He could
separate Harry from Voldemort ultimately so that Harry
can have a normal life. Perhaps Severus will die as
he separates Harry and Voldemort in some ritualistic
This is just so much like Luke and Darth Vader in
their battle between the Jedi and the Dark Side. The
two snake like shapes that make up Yin/Yang and each
contains an element of the other.
Since Snape and Harry detest each other, it only seems
fitting that Snape should save Harry or Harry should
save Snape in Book 7.
Of course, severus does remind us of that beheading
idea that people keep bringing up!
Well, I guess we can just let the heads fall where
they may!
Parting is such sweet sorrow!
Red Eye Randy
--- Judy <judy at ...> wrote:
> <looks up, peers around eagerly>
> Snape, Snape? Did I hear someone say Snape?
> Kelley wrote:
> > Just idly curious, to the folks for whom Snape is
> their biggest
> > interest -- lately, due to both comments JKR's
> made on her site and
> > in chats, I'm coming more to the idea that he's
> going to turn
> > out ESE after all (hm, or maybe he'll just
> backslide a bit). No
> > idea how many people already feel this way, but if
> he does turn out
> > to be a bad guy after all, how would that affect
> your affinity for
> > him?
> Hmmm.... if Snape turns out to be ESE, I will just
> have to sadly
> conclude that JKR failed to understand him. (How's
> that for
> subverting the canon?)
> I'm not sure that JKR's comments mean that Snape is
> ESE. I do think
> she intended him to be an unlikable person --
> bitter, vindictive, and
> so forth -- and that she's perplexed by his many
> fans. She doesn't
> understand that we want to *save* him! Snape
> clearly just needs my --
> er, I mean, *some* good woman's love. (BTW, I'm
> not attracted to
> Alan Rickman, although he is a good actor. Too old
> to play Snape,
> though, I'd say.)
> In JKR's recent question-and-answer session, she was
> really dismayed
> about all the women who are attracted to Snape,
> Draco, and Lucius.
> She seemed genuninely worried that these women are
> attracted to cruel
> men in real life. I think that's probably not often
> the case.
> Certainly, that's not the case in my life. (I do
> remember a very
> funny question, I think in was on OTC, where a guy
> asked, "What are
> the real-life partners like of all these women that
> adore Snape?" My
> husband has nothing in common with Snape except
> intelligence.)
> The thing is, one can interpret a fictional
> character as one pleases.
> The amount of information in the books about Lucius,
> Draco, or even
> Snape is miniscule compared to the information one
> would quickly
> acquire when dating an actual human. So, one can
> believe that Draco
> really was trying to save Hermione at the Quidditch
> World Cup, or
> that Snape only torments Neville in order to put on
> a good front for
> the DE's children, etc. When JKR provides
> incontrovertible evidence
> that a particular character is evil, then that
> character gets few
> fans -- I haven't come across many Voldemort fans,
> for example.
> If I ever get organized and actually *write* all
> these psychology
> books that are floating around in my head, I may
> someday write a book
> about sexual motivation. Maybe I can have a chapter
> about
> Snapefans! (I'd definitely want to speculate on why
> so many women
> are into Male/Male ships.)
> -- Judy
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