[the_old_crowd] Re: Intro Profile (Kelley's!)

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Sep 15 03:29:20 UTC 2004

I really liked "Something Wicked this way comes" and
"Dandelion Wine" by Bradbury.

I think his unexpected endings to his short stories
made me always conscious of alternative plot endings
as I grew up.  I constantly watch movies and predict
the endings ( but not out loud as I wish to leave the
theatre in one piece)

I almost figured out the Mad Eye Moody switcheroo when
Harry had the map in his hand but I never would have
guessed about the son.  I just thought the father was
a bad guy.

I think JKR's use of puns in literal story telling is
what makes me like these so much.  The last 100 pages
of every book are also the most anticipated now.  Ever
since Quirrell, I can't wait for the plot changes to

I do get the feeling that she has left us all of the
clues we need, but always mentions them in passing so
we don't see the gold coins lying in the gold straw on
the floor.

After seeing the movies with the moving paintings, I
wonder if the Louvre becomes one big orgy every night
after the tourists leave.  Oh well, there are plenty
of religious paintings to provide confession

Red Eye Randy
(who has whittled down his email from 142 unread
messages to about 65 now!)
--- annemehr <annemehr at ...> wrote:

> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Kelley"
> <kelleythompson at g...>
> wrote:
> > Side comment:  I grew up on Bradbury, too; Randy,
> I think you're the
> > only other Bradbury fan I've ever met!  Still have
> a great fondness 
> > for his stuff, as well, and reread much of it
> every now and then 
> > (same thing with Vonnegut)...
> <jumps up and down>
> Me, too! Well, okay, I admit I haven't read all his
> stuff (so many
> books...etc.). But _Something Wicked This Way Comes_
> is one of my
> all-time favorite books. Shame I lost it in my house
> somewhere (about
> the time I had kids); I'd really like to reread that
> -- though I
> probably won't be *able* to anymore without a
> certain Toad Chorus
> running in my head...
> Annemehr

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