Authors (was Jasper Fforde)

harpdreamer pbnesbit at
Thu Sep 30 15:24:07 UTC 2004

--- In the_old_crowd at, Catherine Coleman 

>Parker, who's discovered a slew of wonderful fantasy writers while
> >waiting for JKR to write
> Please share!
> Catherine

Will do.  I'm always ready to turn more readers on to these wonderful 
writers (most of which I consider even better than JKR).  

Tamora Pierce: She writes very strong female heroines (three 
dimensional too). Her male heroes ain't nothin' to sneeze at 
either ;) 

The Tortall Series: 

Song of the Lioness Quartet:
Alanna:  The First Adventure
In the Hand of the Goddess
The Woman Who Rides Like A Man
Lioness Rampant

The Immortals Quartet:
Wild Magic
Emperor Mage
The Realms of the Gods

Protector of the Small Quartet:
First Test
Lady Knight

Trickster Duo:
Trickster's Choice
Trickster's Queen

Emelan Series:  
(Circle of Magic) 
Sandry's Book
Briar's Book
Tris's Book
Daja's Book

(Circle Opens)
Magic Steps
Street Magic
Cold Fire

Garth Nix (Rather dark, but his characters are well-rounded and his 
women are very strong) 


Robin McKinley (She's written too many books to name here, but most 
of them are re-tellings of fairy tales and folk tales)

Terry Pratchett has three 'young adult' books I highly recommend:  
Maurice and His Educated Rodents, The Wee Free Men, and A Hat Full of 
Sky (They all take place on Discworld) 

Lynne Flewelling: 

The Bone Doll's Twin
Hidden Warrior

(The following have a male/male relationship) 
Luck in the Shadows
Stalking Darkness
Traitor's Moon

There's also a series by Judith (I think her first name is) Milliers 
which I haven't read, but is on my list of books to read.  

A friend loaned me a book by Alexander McCall Smith called 'The No. 1 
Ladies' Detective Agency (it's the first in a series).  Haven't read 
it yet, but she says it's very light & easy to read (it's not 

Have fun,  


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