[the_old_crowd] Re: Manifesto?

ewe2 ewetoo at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Sun Apr 3 11:22:03 UTC 2005

I've *really* done it this time, haven't I? Better try to fix some of
this mess...

> That said the debate becomes murkier when we consider the author's
> intentions. If JKR says that Snape is not a vampire, then Snape is
> not a vampire. If she were challenged on all those bat references
> she could argue they were coincidental, part of the atmosphere. Take
> the Snape's worst memory example. She could argue she was trying to
> think of an event that would be humiliating, public, comedic and not
> life threatening. The hanging upside down from a tree was one of a
> number options but she liked it best so used it.

I'd quite forgotten to ask: what do we think of the significance of
the Hanged Snape Man? A Tarot tease, or a clue?
> Part of the fun of creative works, for the author as well as the
> reader, is exploring those unintentional yet significant events
> which can give us a new perspective on what we believe and who we
> are. Works of art are particularly powerful at illuminating and
> challenging received ideas. The act of writing is, in part, a way of
> getting at what you think but don't know you think. The act of
> publishing is to take your thoughts and subject them to a greater
> variety of ambient light, not everyone will see the same colours but
> that will, in turn' highlight differences in environment that we
> might otherwise never notice. A generous author (which I believe JKR
> to be) welcomes and encourages a dialogue around the shared world
> precisely because it creates a greater spectrum of understanding.

I think we can agree that it's silly to receive a work of art and
demand the artist reshape it to our wishes; if we want that, we can
always commission an artwork. What is Art then? Superior craftmanship,
or a flowering of the creative soul </sarcasm>? But that is the level
that LL demands of JKR: "I want a _nice_ story, where good people act
goodly and _nice_ !" After that, either JKR is a good nice-person
storyteller or not. That is technique, it isn't art. This is my
objection to the LL Manifesto; I also happen to disagree with his

My opinion (being an artist in my own way) is that art is a form of
communication, mediated by the constraints of culture, and the desire
to express a personal vision. Whether you desire a reaction or not,
you'll get one. Despite your ability or that which you are trying to
express, something you weren't conscious of always comes through, and
sometimes you see that and sometimes others do. But once that idea is
out there, it's out there for everyone. That is a good thing, like
this list for example. There's nothing wrong with lit. crit.
dissection as long as you remember that _it_ isn't the object, it's
just another way of looking at the art, or having opinions about the
technique creating the art.

Some people disagree with this idea on the basis that it's relativist
wishy-washy twaddle. I don't know what that's got to do with having an
opinion, I've got an opinion and it's a jolly good one too. It's as
good as any other of the other jolly good ones.

There, that should sort it.

Sean (relatively penguin artist thing)

Emacs is an alright OS, but it lacks a decent editor.

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