DD=Ron is officially sunk
nkafkafi at nkafkafi.yahoo.invalid
Fri Apr 8 18:15:25 UTC 2005
Combining answers to everybody:
Pippin wrote in
Funnily enough, it does <g>. Clearly there are more part humans
teaching at Hogwarts than one might suspect. It goes to my
contention that mixed blood is actually a pretty common thing
in the WW, far more common than some puristas would like to
It's also clear that Herself has been paying attention to fandom
rumours for some time now, so the idea that she never even heard
of Vampire!Snape until the book day chat is losing credibility
quickly, IMO.
Those of you who formerly espoused elaborate theories about Mark
Evans and or Ron=Dumbledore if JKR had fobbed you off with an
Erm, I don't think so- instead of complimenting you on your
inventiveness, would you be convinced or would you think
she might be hiding something?
Just to clarify, I was sure for at least a year now that the DD=Ron
theory is not going to happen. This is why I wrote the "officially"
in the subject line above. I certainly did not need JKR debunking it
to know that it's not even a contender. I liked this theory purely
for its inventiveness, and long before JKR termed it so. But even if
I would have thought that DD=Ron is a possibility, a "nope, sorry"
from JKR would have been the end of it for me, regardless of what
particular words she used.
Regarding JKR knowledge of the fandom, my personal impression is that
it's rather cursory even today. I can easily imagine that she
somehow, by pure chance, happened to come across the Ron=DD theory,
and yet missed vampire!Snape altogether. If her knowledge of the
fandom had been better she would have known about the issue of the
Weasley kids' ages, for example, and wouldn't have "corrected" one
flint with another flint (more than once).
David wrote in
Well, I never for a moment thought it credible (not for any logical
reason - it just didn't feel like JKR, which is in effect my main
objection to most of the theories I disagree with) and so I never
played with it. For some reason my perception of the likelihood of
its actually turning out to be 'true' in the context of the
developing series plays a large part in my interest in any theory.
I actually tend to agree with this view. DD=Ron was inventive and had
a big wow factor (and actually a reasonable support in canon) but it
just wasn't JKR's style. It has a nostalgic value for me because I
came across it when I was very new to the fandom and it intrigued me
with all its possibilities. Since then I learned that the fandom is
stuffed full with inventive theories like that. I still like to play
with them, but my true interest is reserved for those theories that I
think have a good chance to come out "true".
Jo wrote in
When she finally answers it I bet she will leave us more frustrated!
I'm anticipating something along the lines of 'Neville is only
significant because of the prophecy but perhaps not in the way you
might expect'
I think JKR chooses the poll FAQs with more care than that. It's not
likely she'll choose a question that she can't answer at least
partially. for the previous poll questions she gave honest answers:
Mark Evans is a nobody and Petunia was in DD's mailing list for some
time. Perhaps I should take a risk of a prediction now. JKR recently
hinted that the Longbottoms weren't attacked because of the prophecy
(yes, I know, her answer can also be interpreted as if only the
Lestranges didn't know about it, but they were sent by someone who
did). What if JKR is going to answer something like: "Neville was a
possibility, but he is not anymore. I only included him in the
prophecy in order to show that it was Voldemort, not blind fate, who
determined by his own actions which would be the One". Or maybe "I
wanted to show that Voldemort saw himself in half-blood Harry, and
for this I needed him to choose between Harry and a pureblood option".
This would mean that the Neville thread (including the attack, the
Lestranges, young Barty and the Bubblegum mystery) is actually not
directly connected with the prophecy. It is a different thread. Such
a solution would be a bit inelegant of JKR, since she had implied
Neville in the prophecy, but it is not unthinkable. We shall find out
soon, I hope. I'd better check JKR's site again before I send this
SSSusan wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/the_old_crowd/message/1536 :
Oh, by all means, Neri, YOU go right ahead & take the
honor! ;-)
Thanks, you don't know how much it means to me :)
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