Love That Reveal-O-Chair

nrenka nrenka at
Sun Apr 10 13:11:17 UTC 2005

>> Nora:
>> Maybe my eyes are going on me, but I didn't see anything like that 
>> on the website. <snip>
> Well, Nora dear, we must all see by our own light.

Talisman dear, then those little things like objectively verifiable 
textual details that can be pointed out and explained to everyone are 
important for those of us to realize that you are actually seeing 
something, and haven't been in the sun too long.  Strange spots and 
illuminations from staring at too bright of a blank snowfield do 
occur, after all.  Could you be bothered to fill in your blank for 
the manifestly less illuminated, or is it rather too convoluted of a 
chain to trace the lines of?

[In other words, the rumor includes the supposition that a new 
Potions teacher is needed.  No aspect of the answer addresses that 
component of the rumor, but simply nixes Flamel.  Ergo, no support 
from the author who's writing this stuff for the idea that Snape will 
not be teaching Potions next year.]

-Nora is sure that she could be enlightened further by those who see 
so much more clearly

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