[the_old_crowd] OT, Personal: New Baby

JoAnna Wahlund pt4ever at pt4ever.yahoo.invalid
Sun Apr 24 23:37:17 UTC 2005

Congratulations on the new Harry Potter fan!  :)  She is beautiful!

--- heiditandy <heidi8 at ...> wrote:
> Some of you already know, but I wanted to post about it here too- on
> April 14, Aaron & I welcomed the birth of our third child - Catherine
> Sabrina. She was born at 2:42 PM after about 7-8 hours of labour (I
> was induced, sigh) and she is incredibly beautiful. I do post photos
> on my LJ (heidi8.livejournal.com) sometimes, but I've also uploaded a
> picture to the photo album here: 
> She was 7lbs 3oz, but has already gained quite a bit from that, and is
> about 20 inches long, now that she's uncurled a bit. And she is
> completely delicious!
> Heidi (off to grab some lunch before she wakes)


Elly was born on 01/13/05.
Visit Elanor's website for pictures and updates! 

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