Unicorn blood

davewitley dfrankiswork at davewitley.yahoo.invalid
Mon Apr 25 10:23:36 UTC 2005

Pippin wrote:

>  Quirrellmort is heard 
> begging Voldemort not to make him do something 
> again,  but if he was in such a weakened state that 
> he needed to drink unicorn blood to sustain himself, 
> how could he have managed to kill such a powerful 
> magical creature on his own?

I have always read this that Voldemort needed the blood, not 
Quirrell.  The mystery to me, therefore, is how to drink with the back 
of your head.

In any case, we need to eat to sustain ourselves, but as long as we 
are prompt about it, we never get weak - why should an additional 
requirement for unicorn blood be any different?


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