Hermione's "Hidden" Obsession

entropymail entropymail at entropymail.yahoo.invalid
Thu Apr 28 14:03:25 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "annemehr" <annemehr at y...> wrote:

> More hiding, though not necessarily Hermione-related, or not in
plain sight:
> Keeping the under-age in the dark
> DD having Harry followed by invisibility-cloaked wizards
> Lots of invisibility cloaks, in fact
> Mrs Figg
> Ministry officials who are also Order members
> Voldemort
> Order members' disguises (Tonks, M.McGonagall's Muggle clothes)

> I don't know -- maybe it's just the nature of the covert war.

True, it could just be the nature of things when there's spying to be
done.  But I'm focusing more on the amount of *objects* that are
actually there but cannot be seen, or objects that are hiding
something just behind (your invisibility cloaks fall into this category!).

I seem to have left out the most obvious of these objects: the veil,
of course! So far, we know nothing of the veil.  But we can surmise
(from Harry's thinking he hears voices just beyond it, and from
real-life historical "veil" references) that there is *something*
hiding just behind it. Though he has a full 360 view of the thing,
Harry can't see what's there.  Something seems to be right there, just
beyond his grasp and, like every other "hidden" object in OOP, if he
could just figure out the puzzle of it, he would be able to see.

Many things in Book 5 (headless hats, invisibility cloaks, Room of
Requirement, etc.) seem to me like great big red arrows, just pointing
towards the veil and letting us know that what we see (or don't see)
isn't always what we get.  But why these things also seem to point
directly towards Hermione as well, I can't say.  They are all
connected to her, and not in an accidental or tenuous way -- but I
can't seem to get a grip on why JKR has chosen to tie the veil and
Hermione together?  Well, off to mull this one over for a while...

:: Entropy ::

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