Re: The Prophecy From Voldemorts POV (long)
fmaneely at
Thu Apr 28 23:58:34 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at, "nkafkafi" <nkafkafi at y...>
> FRan wrote:
> >
> > What has bothered me a bit was when did LV made himself
> > Do we know for sure it was before his rumble with Baby Harry or
> > after. I was thinking after the backfired AV, and that is why it
> > necessary for LV to have some of Harry's blood and not just for
> > protection Lilly bestowed on Harry. Since LV does not know how
> > could destroy him, maybe he thinks having Harry's blood puts he
> > Harry both on even ground. I know in the graveyard scene LV makes
> > reference to Lilly's protection but I think its more than that.
> Neri:
> OK, what do we know about the steps Voldy took to make himself
> In the graveyard Voldy says to the DEs (GoF, Ch.33):
> "And then I ask myself, but how could they have believed I would not
> rise again? They, who knew the steps I took, long ago, to guard
> against mortal death?"
> He also says in the same chapter about why he did not die at GH when
> the curse backfired:
> "You know my goal - to conquer death. And now, I was tested, and it
> appeared that one or more of my experiments had worked
for I had not
> been killed, though the curse should have done it."
> And JKR said in the Edinburgh Book Festival:
> "The first question that I have never been askedit has probably
> asked in a chatroom but no one has ever asked meis, "Why didn't
> Voldemort die?" Not, "Why did Harry live?" but, "Why didn't
> die?" The killing curse rebounded, so he should have died. Why
> he? At the end of Goblet of Fire he says that one or more of the
> that he took enabled him to survive. You should be wondering what he
> did to make sure that he did not dieI will put it that way. I don't
> think that it is guessable. It may besomeone could guess itbut you
> should be asking yourself that question, particularly now that you
> know about the prophecy. I'd better stop there or I will really
> incriminate myself."
> All this seems to establish the following details:
> 1. There were several "steps" or "experiments" (which are apparently
> the same).
Fran: Are these steps hidden in books 1-6?
> 2. They took place before GH (though difficult to say how much time
> before).
Fran:I thinks maybe so, but then again, if he thought of himself as
being invincible, why bother going after Harry.
> 3. The DEs knew about these steps (or at least about some of them).
> 4. It appears that Voldy isn't sure which and how many of these
> experiments saved him in GH (of course, he might be mistaken and it
> was something else entirely that saved him).
> 5. Something about the prophecy is an important clue to the nature
> these experiments.
Fran: Actually, for some strange reason, I think Diary!Tom is more
important even though I cannot figure out how.
> 6. It would be very difficult to guess what they were.
> (which of course, doesn't keep us from trying)
Fran: Roger that!
> Neri,
> who has absolutely no idea how he had managed to generate the exotic
> characters in the thread's heading.
Sometimes I cant help feeling that some things might be right under
our nose!
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