[the_old_crowd] ZZZZZZZZ (was A dastardly Voldy plan - was: Re: Lockets

susiequsie23 susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Mon Aug 1 12:44:42 UTC 2005

Actually, I think that's what the whole cave episode is about as 
well. I can't believe he didn't see it was a false locket from the 
moment he first peered in.

I think he took the decision to drink the stuff there and then, 
deciding it was his signal to exit stage left, Harry's final lesson 
from him. There was absolutely no need to have put himself at such 
risk otherwise. That, or hubris that he was stronger than the Dark 
Lord and/or could get to Snape in time for an antidote. 

Hmmm.  I'm not sure about the first option, that DD decided it was time to go.  It would seem a drastic measure on DD's part, to kill himself off *purposely* at this point, by way of offering up a final lesson to Harry.  ALLOWING himself to die when he is dying is one thing; deciding to actually MAKE himself die is another proposition, I think.

I'm still working on my first re-read, so my take could be quite "off."  That said, however, I felt that DD knew drinking the stuff was dangerous -- life-threatening -- but that when he got to Hogsmeade, he was convinced Snape could still prevent his death.  IMO, it was only after he elected to leave Hogsmeade, to take that broom trip on to Hogwarts to investigate what was happening beneath the Dark Mark, the he used up enough more energy & life that his fate was sealed.  As he slipped down the wall further & further, as he weakened more & more, DD was then ready to let go, but I don't think he made a conscious decision in the cave to die that night.

Wondering why the whole WW has not been issued with bezoars. A useful 
precaution, a bit like carrying gas masks, you'd've thought.

Good idea.  Perhaps Aberforth was working on a mechanism for harvesting bezoars more effectively and efficiently, but the Ministry did not approve....

Siriusly Snapey Susan

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