ZZZZZZZZ (was A dastardly Voldy plan - was: Re: Lockets
talisman22457 at talisman22457.yahoo.invalid
Mon Aug 1 13:26:14 UTC 2005
--- Jen in message 2702:
>Ron polished the plaque in COS, the special services plaque. As
>far as I can tell, the TR cup is only found on JKR's website. We do
>consider everything else there to be canon, including birthday
>greetings, so I guess the cups and plaques on the Fansite page are
>seen as canon, too. It makes me a little uncomfortable given JKR's
>track record with Oop's, though.
Ah, you're right. I'm suffering from site contamination. In CoS
it's a bloody "shield."
"Riddle's burnished gold shield was tucked away in a corner
cabinet." (CoS 234)
Well, there's another bad ending to a lovely little theory.
Although we're supposed to scan the site for clues, I don't feel
nearly as strong about relying on the site cup, alone.
We'll just wrap this up and stick it in the cooler with The Chain.
Rowling's loss, really. I think it would be more to her credit if
some of the early books actually factored in to the ending.
Kneasy in message 2705:
>In a previous post I mentioned that some fans are suggesting the
>possibility of the TR Cup being an object of suspicion but I didn't
>actually mention the'TR Cup' myself - for the very good reason
>that there isn't one, not in the books.
Nuh-uh. Unless you can point me to a post where you previously
said "there is no trophy cup," I'm calling that a day late and a
dollar short. It's Jen's point, so mind your grubby paws. Your
points from 2691 still don't hold water, or gin for that matter. : P
Kneasy cont.:
>Plus - and, this may be Jo using colloqialisms, the Trophy Room
>contents are referred to as 'silverware', the Huff Cup is gold.
Well, the Riddle trophy shield is gold in my book, moot as that
point may be.
Kneasy cont.:
>Additionally, Voldy doesn't seem particularly interested in
>disguising his Haircuts - the Diary still looks like a vintage
>diary, the ring looks the same, I'll bet the Slytherin locket
>still looks like the Slytherin locket, and for a damn good reason -
>how else is Harry going to find them, if he can't recognise the
>damn things when he falls over them? If Tom did sneak the Huff Cup
>into the Trophy Room the odds are
>that it'll still look like the original...
Oh, agreed. If you start making the Hxes look like something else
altogether there's no point to identifying the original items and no
way to determine when you've actually found one--short of working
your way through the scenery bashing up everything in sight.
That's why *Jen's point* is the critical one. If I'd bothered to
check CoS, I wouldn't have enjoyed the cup romp.
Kneasy, cont.:
>...but my guess is that he didn't;
>it's somewhere else. A Gringotts vault, a DE mantlepiece, the
And that, in my opinion, is such a bore. It's not you fault, it's
Rowling's. But as I mentioned to you elsewhere, even though I
enjoyed the surface story, HBP really lowered my opinion of Rowling
as a writer.
One of the reasons is the now oft-lamented Agatha Christie syndrome.
She demonstrated it in HBP, and it's clear that she's holding back a
great deal of information in order to have it pop out fully formed
in Book 7, supported by hitherto undisclosed explanations, which is
just, well...too bad.
Kneasy, cont.:
>...might even be clues to its whereabouts at GH - that pilgrimage is
>going to be more than just a sentimenal journey, you can bet your
>boots on that.
Not sure what's actually left at GH. Muggle authorities have no
doubt long since dealt with the rubble. But I think we'll all agree
that any background information we finally get (Pensieve, etc.) is
bound to be pivotal.
12GP is still the best Hx bet. The locket was definitely spotted
there, and I still think that interrogating Kreature will make for
an entertaining and informative afternoon pastime.
Carolyn has recently reminded me of a number of worthwhile interview
nuggets, including the fact that Rowling felt obliged to "move Harry
around" to some *new* places in OoP, to be "fair" ::cough right::
about things that will happen in book 7. 12GP is one of those
The DoM is another, though surely not as a Hx storage spot.
Maybe the big ending is that LV will have to do a "time out" in the
locked "Room of Love."
Talisman, saying: Fear not bangsters, at that point I will
personally murder Harry.
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