The horcruxes (again)
pip at
Tue Aug 2 19:54:41 UTC 2005
I've been desperately trying to work out why on earth JKR might
use 'horcrux' in relation to 'a container for the soul'. For some
reason, church plate kept floating into my mind.
Anyway, I think I've found the connection. Christian churches who
use communion wafers (or 'hosts') often have a special little box
called a 'pyx'. These are used to keep consecrated wafers when
travelling, to be used in giving communion to the housebound, sick
or dying. shows some
pictures of pyxes. You'll note that very often, the box is engraved
with a cross. Or, in Latin, a crux.
So, there's the horcrux, which contains a split part of a soul, the
splitting created by murder. It cannot be opened. And there's the
pyx, marked with a cross/crux, containing a wafer traditionally
handed out with the words 'the body of Christ' (who, Christian
tradition says, died to save everyone).
Opposites? Or am I imagining the connection?
"Where do you think I would have been all these years, if I had not
known how to act?" - Severus Snape
"Whether you can act or not - next time I get asked to be your
defence counsel, could you please *not* fire an AK at someone two
weeks before the trial?" - Pip
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