OT Poetry __The Witch from Nantucket

Randy estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Aug 4 05:39:20 UTC 2005

There once was a Witch from Nantucket
Who kept horcruxes inside her bucket.
She took them to town
And she showed them around
Now this Soul Sister's friend stole her locket.

Seems a lad came from over the pond
Wanted so much to show her his wand
He took her back to his cave
Which he soon made her grave
Once he found she was not a true blonde.

Now the moral of the story is quite clear
Don't be charmed by those men who all leer
And those guys in the pool
Are all deadheads you fool
And that stuff in the bowl is not beer.

Red Eye Randy ( who has read one too many posts today..)

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