Sale of Peruvian Darkness Powder
foxmoth at
Sun Aug 7 12:29:09 UTC 2005
> Oryomai wrote:
> > I did enjoy the reappearance of the best friend of thieves and
> This was actually a small detail that jarred with me. Ron, I
believe, mentioned Draco's Hand of Glory as though he had had
it previous years, i.e. before Lucius was thrown in Azkaban. But
in CoS, I thought Lucius made it pretty clear that he felt it was an
insult to imply his son was in the same league as thieves and
plunderers. So how did Draco get Hand?
Um, why would Draco have to *buy* anything? He had the Room of
All he had to do was tell the Room he needed some PDP and presto!
The Hand might be a little harder since I don't think the Room
can bring things that aren't in the castle already. But once the
was fixed, all Draco needed to do was nip over to BandB's and help
himself. Best friend of thieves and plunderers, indeed.
Alternatively, perhaps Riddle smuggled the Hand into the castle,
long ago. It's Ginny who who calls the Hand of Glory "that awful
shrivelled arm" as if she's seen it before, but doesn't know what
it's called. Maybe she has. It would certainly be useful when dealing
with a basilisk. If it can't see you, it can't petrify you, right?
who thinks we now know what JKR insisted had to be in the CoS movie:
the cabinet, the Hand, and Draco's thieving ways.
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