That Bloody Man Again WAS Re: The curious incident of the Felix Felicis
foxmoth at
Mon Aug 8 04:32:18 UTC 2005
> > Pippin:
> > Why a cop-out?
> Because you have a way to soft-pedal absolutely every devastating
> event in the book.
> Emmeline Vance's murder? Faked.
> Dumbledore snookered by the locket? He realizes it, and acts
> accordingly to set another plan in motion.
> Snape kills Dumbledore? Well, it was originally another plan, and
> it's not actually the Avada Kedavra the text says, it's something
> else that keeps that particular sin off of Snape's conscience.
> Not the actions of a 'ruthless' author, those.
Every devastating event in the book? Dumbledore's still dead,
snookered into giving his life needlessly, and how is Harry going to
feel when he realizes that? Especially since he's the one who made
Dumbledore drink the potion. Tonks is doomed if you ask me,
and was probably imperius'd into being Draco's DE contact. What
was she doing, grey-faced and blank, outside the RoR?
Amelia Bones, dead along with countless others; Bill, seriously
wounded and maybe facing the same kind of discrimination that
Lupin does; Lupin betraying the Order, so much more of an
emotional jolt than Snape that most folks can't believe Jo would
do that to them, no matter how many clues she sneaks into innocent
But, y'know, Greyback is presumably still on the loose, and that's
very odd, because the last time Harry saw him he was in the full body
bind. He didn't escape with Snape. There were Snape, Draco, and the
blond DE ahead of Harry, and Alecto and Amycus behind him. One DE,
Gibbon, is dead.
So who put the body bind on him and saved Harry's skin? Who took it
off and rescued dear old Fenny? Canon saith not. The saga continues...
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