RAB Secrets Revealed

Randy estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Mon Aug 8 23:50:53 UTC 2005

Just a comment on the number of posts in July 2005.  It reminded me of 
all the owls dropping letters for Harry to attend Hogwarts in the 
first book.  I felt like Uncle Vernon trying to catch them all and 
read them.

Regarding the identity of RAB, I am sure that I have not yet read this 

According to several more learned posters on this site, Voldy went to 
school in the 1940's and was active making his soul deposits during 
the 1950's and 1960's.  The chronology leads to an important discovery.

If his soul mission started in the 1940's and continued throughout the 
1950's and 1960's, the effects of this activity is quite clear.  His 
Black Magic is quite effident and continues to influence us today.  
Voldy deposited Soul bisquits into the Black Bluesmen in America.  
People like Muddy Waters, BB King, and Aretha Franklin.  He never 
realized the possibility that these monster Soul licks would propagate 
and lead to the Rhythm and Blues (RAB) Artists that soon created Rock 
and Roll Music.

Thus without that Old Black Magic, most white men would never have 
learned to shake their booties.  We might all be still listening to 
Pat Boone if not for Lord Voldemort!  ;0)

Red Eye Randy

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