Snape and Lilly Sitting in the Tree

Randy estesrandy at
Tue Aug 9 13:33:40 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, Mike Gray <mikesusangray at y...> 

> 1) Slughorn can't stop rattling along about how much
> Harry's potions work reminds him of his mother's.
>> Something tells me that some more clarification about
> Snape and Lilly's relationship will put this into
> context. Was Lilly, like her son, getting a free ride
> from Snape - or was Snape the one getting the goods
> from from his GF? 
> And, of course, when Lilly started sniffing out one
> James Potter - was that when Snape started adding in
> curses? 
Randy replies:
If Snape gives Lilly the HPB book to help her along with Potions, or 
if Slughorn gives her the book he always gives to his most 
interesting student of the year based on his observations... then 
Lilly also gets the benefits of the book's power.  (perhaps a 
horcrux from Voldy) just like Snape did.....

But she tells James about the new spell she found in the book about 
levitating your enemies.  James blows her cover to Snape when he 
uses it on Snape for the first time.  Snape's worst memory is when 
he realizes that Lilly has told one of his secret spells to his 
worst enemy (James Potter) who is now using it on Snape in public.  
Thus James gets the publicity from using this clever new spell that 
he proceeds to teach to others as if it was his own creation.

Snape has been betrayed by the girl that he helped in Potions class, 
and he will never again help another student.  He will also never 
try to be close to another person (ie Cissy, the one he truly 
loves).  He will instead hide his emotions and take care of Cissy's 
boy Draco as if he were his own son.  He never reveals his true 
feelings to Cissy, but she suspects them anyway given women's 

I am beginning to think that the HBP Potion's Book is a Voldy 
influenced object if not a snorlax.

Red Eye Randy

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