[the_old_crowd] Re: Introduction

Waldo Glatisant waldoglatisant at waldoglatisant.yahoo.invalid
Tue Aug 9 19:07:44 UTC 2005

Aberforth's Goat / Mike Gray <aberforthsgoat at ...> wrote:

> Well, well - a warm welcome to wild Waldo!

Danke mein guter Freund. 

È buono da essere qui.

> (... certainly didn't expect him 

> to give us some unexpected insites (sic)
> into cross-dressing and HP fans either. 

> But since I'm at my in-laws 

> just now and don't have much time online, 

> I'll just have to leave that story up to 

> your imaginations ... )

So much the better.  Imagination is so often more appealing than reality.  Trust me on this point.  

> Great to see you here - and next time 

> I need to steal a bike, you're the first 

> HP fan I contact.

> Peace, Mike, who is at his in-laws and not online much

Peace back atcha, bro'

- Dubya

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