[the_old_crowd] Re: Snape's Remorse

susiequsie23 susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 10 21:01:10 UTC 2005

IMO, if Snape had killed Dumbledore for some evil purpose, or had
it together enough to pretend that he'd done so, he'd be showing 
elation. Instead, he adopts the mask of anger, because in his
confusion about what just went down, it's the role that's 
easiest to perform. 

Can you expand on this, please, Pippin?  You know that I'm also not of the opinion that Snape killed DD for an evil purpose, but I'm intrigued about just what you're saying here.  WHY the confusion for Snape?  What DOES he believe he's done?  

Siriusly Snapey Susan

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