Snape's Remorse

nkafkafi nkafkafi at
Thu Aug 11 02:25:12 UTC 2005

> Pippin:
> <huge snip>
> But the "not a health drink" green goo of death catches up with DD and
> kills him as he falls. 

I'm not a law buff and I don't even watch law movies and TV series,
but I wondered about one thing here. How are we (or any of the
characters) to ever find out if Dumbledore was indeed killed by the
green goo during the fall, or by the fall itself? If Dumbledore and
Snape were faking it but Dumbledore was killed by the fall, I think
the technical term would be manslaughter? The juries might acquit
Snape on the technicality, although the chance of Dumbledore dying
exactly during the three seconds of his way down (after already
surviving a fight with a horde of inferi, a swim, an apparation, a
broom flight and a pretty long talk) seems so small that I suspect
most judges wouldn't consider it "reasonable doubt". 

But mostly I just can't see the line on Dumbledore's gravestone "died
while botching his faked assassination". It just, you know, not the
way for The Wizard With The Silver Beard to go. "Betrayed by an ally
he trusted", now that somehow seems much more appropriate. But perhaps
Jo was subverting the genre again?


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