OT_Regarding Mike's assessment of this Old Crowd...

Randy estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Aug 11 04:24:12 UTC 2005

<Oh yeah: And Randy will be. Unless you're a Brit, in
<which case he'll be something else instead. In fact,
<he'll be "something else" no matter which way you cut

Randy Replies scratching his head...

Okay Mike,  I have to ask.  Randy will be what? And what does unless 
you're a Brit mean exactly?

Randy Will be a 

1.  A cheeky toad?  (I was once called that by a British friend.)
2.  A pile of Winnie's Pooh?
3.  An insightful HP reader?  (has a remote chance at best)
4.  An annoying poster who tries to distact us?
5.  An undereducated git
6.  JKR's illegitimate half brother?
7.  The guy who posts the answer to the HP finale before Book 7?
8.  Arthur Weasley in disguise? (Red beard and 3 kids so far...)
9.  Mosquito flying around the bedroom at night so you cannot sleep?
10.  Horcrux?

Post your answer and announce your country of origin for statistical 
purposes.  Make sure to completely fill in the circle next to your 
answer and please use a #2 pencil.  "And you there, stop folding up 
your tests into paper airplanes!!  How many times do I have to tell 
you!...Hey put that wand down!"

My main question is do I have a dual nature?  I am one thing to a 
Yank and yet another to a Brit?

Red Eye Randy ( who is quite amazed that anyone actually reads some 
of his posts)

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