Snape's trial (was: Snape's Remorse - Errata)

Constance Vigilance constancevigilance at
Fri Aug 12 13:37:05 UTC 2005

> Pip!Squeak:
> Naah. I was the junior defence counsel at the Accio
> trial, and as 
> such had a good motive to check-count the votes {g}.
> There were four 
> charges, one of which - joining the DE's voluntarily
> and with malice 
> aforethought was withdrawn due to lack of any
> evidence on 
> the 'voluntarily and with malice...' bit. 
> Pip!Squeak

I was on the "jury" and I voted guilty on abusing the
students, not guilty on membership of the DE and not
guilty on murder. My problem with the murder charge is
that they did not attempt to prove that Dumbledore had
died. I had reasonable doubt that any crime had been
committed at all. IMO, the counsels should have
stipulated at the outset that the victim was indeed
dead. If that had been done, then I guess I would have
concluded that it was the fall that killed him and
have had to vote guilty.

The trial was a highlight of the conference, by the
way. Great job, guys!


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