[the_old_crowd] re: F&G->minors / Draco's HoG / Voldemort & the Stone / that Irish Folklore site

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sun Aug 14 01:24:23 UTC 2005

--- "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)"
<catlady at ...> wrote:

> Red Eye Randy wrote in
> :
> << This link shows you the Irish origins of many of
> the characters in
> Harry Potter. My favorite is Arthur Weasley, the
> "Red Haired Man" and
> "Will of the Wisps" are similar to that clock of
> Mrs. Weasley. I think
> you will see resemblances to Veelas, Thestrals, the
> Dementor's Kiss,
> and the description of the Cave in Book 6.
> http://www.irishfestivals.net/symbols.htm >>
> I wish you had listed Their Word <==> HP object.
> Nonetheless, I went
> to their site and looked up words and I can't even
> tell which Irish
> myths you think relate to "Veelas, Thestrals, the
> Dementor's Kiss, and
> the description of the Cave in Book 6." Veela -> The
> Leeanan Sidh? The
> Demon Bride? Thestrals -> the Pooka in horse form?
> But the Thestrals'
> hooves aren't on backwards, and when the kids ride
> them, they don't
> gallop into the depths of the sea until the kids
> drown. Dementor's
> Kiss -> The Demon Bride's kiss? The book 6 cave ->
> the Burren? You
> left out the Grogoch's similarities to House Elves,
> Brownies, and all
> the similar folklore beings.
I am so sorry about that says Randy sheepishly....


My take was:

Leanhaun Shee = Veela
Pooka = Thestral
Will o Wisp = the Clock
Red Haired Man = Arthur Weasley
Demon Bride's kiss = Dementor's Kiss
Burren = The Cave with hidden water

I now wonder if Lily's scream does not resemble the
cry of the Banshee since her husband died and her son
was just a lightning bolt away from death.

Red <o>

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