[the_old_crowd] Re: How to Reassemble using Horuscruxes

Troels Forchhammer troelsfo at troelsfo.yahoo.invalid
Sun Aug 14 18:25:18 UTC 2005

At 15:50 14-08-05 +0000, quigonginger wrote:
> > On the other hand, in traditional folk-lore, you kill or crush all
> > the parts containing the soul and that kills the baddie:
>Welcome Troels, and thanks for the interesting reading.

Thank you ;-)

>The thought hit me, though, in the Potterverse why not get the
>Horcruces, toss them to a dementor and let *it* suck the soul out of
>I know, too easy.

A bit more seriously, though, the Dementors would probably find it 'stale 
food' -- they appear to prefer happiness as the best flavour for them, and 
I suspect that the Hurcrux soul-fragment is too mutilated, tormented and 
tarnished for their delicate palates . . .

And of course it would be too easy ;-)


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