Sherry' intro and profile

Sherry Gomes sherriola at ...
Sun Aug 14 23:16:58 UTC 2005


My yahoo profile and email name and username everywhere is Sherriola.  it
was one of my dad's nicknames for me.  One of the last thing he was trying
to do before he got sick with cancer was to try to find me computer training
that would encompass office programs and access technology.  So, when I
finally got the training, I decided to use his nickname for my email name.
and lo and behold, i've never run into another sherriola, so it's been a
great choice!

40 something

one black lab guide dog named Bianca, and a cat named Luis.  lots of
siblings, nieces and nephews, too!

Redmond, Washington

***Birthday, Place of Birth:
October 22, San Jose, California

***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
administrative assistant, computer instructor for blind adults, writer

***Other things we might want to know about you:
Let's see ... hmmm.  well, a couple years ago, I started college for the
first time in my 40's!  i do it hit and miss because working full time and
school can e tough, but online classes makes it easier.  i love studying
anything.  Would like to visit New York City, Alaska and Europe!  

***First contact with Harry Potter:
A friend of mine asked me to read the first book with him, when it was
suggested to him by a friend who was a school librarian.  We read the
National library Service for the blind's cassette version.  Well, i had been
skeptical at first.  I said something like, "why would I want to read a book
called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone?"  The joke was on me, because
I am the one who became totally head over heels hooked! From the very first
sentence of the very first paragraph.

***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objets
d'Art, general enthusing):
mostly, I love the books!  i have mixed feelings about the movies, didn't
like the 3rd one.  A friend hooked me on fan fiction a few months ago.  I
particularly like fics by Katling on Fiction alley,but also liked Resonance
in which Snape adopts Harry after Sirius' death.  sigh.  that one was hard
to finish recently.  i don't collect toys or anything like that.  I do have
a Hedwig stuffed animal, and though I can't see it, I'd like to have a
poster from the first movie with the boats arriving at Hogwarts.

***Extent of Potter obsession:
I own every version of the books I can--commercial audio read by Jim dale
text versions that have been scanned into computers, braille (OOTP is in 13
volumes) and web braille which is a digital braille file a blind person can
read on special note taking devices.  Someday, if I ever get a scanner of my
own, I will also buy the print books.  I'd like to get the UK audio versions
as well someday.  As for other obsessions, well, i am definitely not a night
owl and usually go to bed between 9 and 10 at night, but for the last two
books, I preordered and went to a midnight release party to be with the rest
of the crowd to get my book, took it home and read till nearly dawn.  That
was a true testimony of my addiction, because there's not much else that can
get me to stay up all night!  I'd rather sleep than eat.  LOL.

***Other interests/activities:
reading--almost anything from children's lit to science, history, mystery,
fantasy, sci fi, and everything in between-writing, shopping, movies,
spending time with friends, travel, listening to music, singing 

***Current/recent reading:
Time and Again by Jack Finney

***Current/recent listening:
currently listening to XM radio, a country station playing the top 40
country songs from 1950 to 2004.  But also like rock, Beatles, classical,
standards such as Sinatra, show tunes, jazz, blues

***Current/recent viewing:
Tried watching the Butterfly Effect a few weeks ago but absolutely couldn't
follow it!  Think it was too visual.  Before that, Master and Commander and
Second Hand Lions. Don't like TV much, but did go online for some NASA TV
for the shuttle mission.

I think Kneasy invited me.  Thanks so much!  I've already really enjoyed the
posts I've read. recognize several names here.  It's great to be a part of


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