[the_old_crowd] Tonks again

Sherry Gomes sherriola at ...
Mon Aug 15 21:19:45 UTC 2005

Fishy, indeed, Kneasy.  And while you're
investigating, can you please add this bit of (imo)
strangeness into the mix?  

There's *some* kind of weird connection between the
Tonks we see in HBP and Draco Malfoy as well.  

1)  Draco stomps on Harry's nose and leaves him hidden
under the Invisibility Cloak.  SOMEHOW Tonks happens
by and discovers Harry.

2)  Harry is hanging out, again under the IC, near the
Room of Requirement, trying to catch Malfoy.  Who
happens to come along instead of the expected Draco? 
Tonks... with some lame excuse for her presence about
needing to see DD, who resides in a totally different
part of the castle.

3)  At some point Harry actually notices that Draco
and Tonks have a similar appearance this year -- both
looking ill and tired.  Harry, not one to notice a
whole lot about others' appearances, I wouldn't say,
actually making a connection between the appearances
of these two?

What is this connection?  Is all of it just
happenstance?  Can 1) & 2) really be explained away as
Tonks just keeping an eye on Harry?  Maybe... but
something about it all seems "off" to me.  And 3)
makes me think there is SOMETHING we're supposed to be

Siriusly Snapey Susan

Sherry now:

I also found Tonks to be suspicious in HBP.  I didn't for one minute believe
it was just that she was love lorn.  Perhaps, Harry's noticing that she and
Draco look similar is just because they are related, but something isn't
right.  She was always there at the right or wrong moment, and not where
you'd expect her to be.  I thought her excuse of how she found Harry, even
though he was immobilized and hidden beneath his cloak on the train to be
weak.  Very fishy indeed.  In fact, by the time she arrived at the ROR, I
wondered if she was either imperioed, poly juicing or some other sinister
activity.  But if so, was it Tonks at the funeral holding hands with Lupin?
What on earth is going on, anyway?


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