How to Reassemble using Horuscruxes

Lyn J. Mangiameli kumayama at
Tue Aug 16 04:51:41 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, elfundeb <elfundeb at g...> wrote:
> big snip> 
> And one other piece of canon:  Tom Riddle, at 16, figured out how to
> preserve a memory in a diary.  Could he have discovered how to remove
> his soul while preserving his memories?  After all, there's no reason
> why externalizing one's soul in Horcrucii *must* have the same effect
> as the Dementor's kiss.

Lyn now:
Diary Riddle is the only model JKR has given us of an identified working HX (Harry may be 
another, but he isn't identified as such). I think it is going to become very awkward for JKR 
to contend that the Diary is a HX and that it also has some other special features. On the 
other hand, if it is a conventional HX, then why didn't DD recognize it as such from the 
moment Harry described his experience with it in the Chamber. Either way, I think JKR has 
some explaining to do if the she intends for their to be any consistency. 

If we do accept the diary as a working model, then it sets the prototype for the 
potential of the others, that is, they all may represent a "time restricted" fragment of LV, 
and all have the potential to become reimbodied entities of the LV  at the time soul 
fragment was formed.  
> If Voldemort has dispersed every piece of soul, and if Harry is the
> repository of one of those pieces (whether intentionally or
> inadvertently -- I'm leaning toward the theory that Harry is an
> unintentionally created bit of soul, with the possibility that
> Voldemort still does not know about it), then there is a possibility
> that the last remaining bit of soul keeping Voldemort alive will
> repose inside Harry.  Voldemort would be unable to kill Harry without
> killing himself.  The irony is that the life of Voldemort, whose
> greatest fear is death, will depend on the mercy of Harry, who does
> not fear death.  Either must die at the hand of the other, indeed.

Lyn again:
I think this is a quite likely scenario.  Of course it is strange that LV would not be aware of 
Harry's nature, particularly now that he has had access to his mind as well as very being 
during the possession. Yet perhaps this may have been some of what LV was 
communicating (or at least JKR foreshadowing) to DD when he was taunting to DD to kill 
Harry (and thus LV) during the possession. That is, that it is unavoidable that Harry die to 
kill LV.  

To take this a bit farther, and a prelude to the GUT of HX I am working on:
I suggested last year in my email to Kneasy that LV is going to seek to reintegrate some of 
his fragmented parts to increase his strength (and now,perhaps, to safeguard his 
remaining soul fragments). I continue to think that remains highly plausible, if for no other 
reason than that I don't see Harry having the time to acquire the magical capabilities or 
even to search out all the remaining HXs in the one remaining book. Indeed, I am 
suspicious that we have already seen a re-integration occur, and been given an example of 
the complexity that it involves. Indeed, I am sure that it involves more to the process than 
simply scooping up the HX and reintegrating it to the whole.

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