
Judy judy at
Wed Aug 17 00:07:29 UTC 2005

Welcome, Troels!

Troels wrote:
> Those who attended Accio will no doubt know my position regarding 
> the former Potions master and present evil git ;-)
>.... he is evil through and through in any circumstances.  

"We must agree to differ on that, Troels. It so happens that I trust 
Professor Snape..."  

> I know my own 
> temper well enough to stay clear of inflammable subjects :-/

Snape is certainly one of the characters who tends to be 
inflammable.  I know that before Book 6 came out, HPfGU was having 
problems with people arguing back & forth about him.  I think there's 
no point arguing until at least after Chapter 7, which hopefully will 
clear things up one way or the other. 

-- Judy, feeling that it can't be a bad thing to be equally mistaken 
as Dumbledore.

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